Moles are raised skin growths that are typically brown in color; however, they can be blue, black or flesh-colored. They occur when cells in the skin grow in a cluster instead of spreading out across the skin’s surface.  Moles can appear anywhere on the body, either singly or in groups.


Skin Tags are small, soft flaps of tissue that hang off the skin via a connecting stalk. They usually occur on the neck, chest, back, armpits, under the breasts, or in the groin area. Skin tags are harmless and their cause is unknown.



While skin tags and most moles don’t require treatment, there are two benefits of removal:


  • Cosmetic Benefit: Moles and skin tags – especially in clusters – can be unattractive and embarrassing.
  • Relief of Discomfort: When moles and skin tags rub against clothing or get caught in jewelry the result can be pain, chaffing, and bleeding.


Mole and Skin Tag Removal Treatment Plan

Cutting it off. Skin tags may be snipped off with a scalpel or surgical scissors. Some moles can be “shaved” off flush with the skin. Other moles may have cells that go underneath the skin. In this case, the doctor will make a deeper cut to remove the entire mole and prevent it from growing back. Stitches may be required.


Burning it off. This protocol involves the use of an electric current, which passes through a wire that becomes hot and is used to burn off the upper layers of the skin. You may need more than one treatment to remove a mole. Skin tags are removed by burning through the narrow stem that attaches them to the skin. The heat serves to cauterize the wound and prevent bleeding.


Are you ready to schedule your Skin Tag and Mole Removal consultation?

(905) 492 5080